About Eileen Burns

Eileen Burns is a highly qualified and experienced coach, healer and therapist who has been studying holistic and spiritual wellbeing for over 30 years.

She has dedicated the last 24 years to teaching other's empowering self-care, self-help , soul purpose and stress management skills.

A highly experienced healer, stress therapist and meditation teacher who taught to all ages in the health, education and charity sector for 16 years.

Eileen now provides online self-help and online mentoring coaching programs for individuals, coaches, healers and therapists.

She is a  soul purpose mentor, healer and stress expert who specialises in supporting empaths and spiritual entrepreneurs she has studied and worked with some of the most inspiring healers and teachers around the world including Dr Karen Khan, Frank Kinslow, Patricia Missakian, Ed Strachar, Caroline Myss...

Qualifications and Training

Below is just some of Eileen's experience, qualifications and training.

University Courses

Adv Stress Advisor, Stress Adviser
Life & Spiritual Coaching
Cogntive Behaviour Therapy
Biological Psychology
Cognitive Psychology


Colour Therapy
Flower Essences
Indian Head Massage

Certificates & Training

Reiki 1, Reiki 2, Reiki Master/ Teacher
Counselling, Counselling For M.E.
Guided Visualisation For Therapeutic Use

Meditation, T.M. 
Laser Therapy
Quantum Entrainment
Stress Management- Handling Stress
Ultimate Therapist - EFT, Emeagram,

NLP, Hypnotherapy
Akashic Records Training
Soul Purpose Program, 
Deep Dive Intuition, 
Metratronia Therapy
Diploma Channeling 1 & 2,
Genius Self Healing Mastery
Archetypal Therapy
Inner Child Therapy
Spiritual Healing