Soul Empowered CEO
Being The CEO Of Your Own Life

Alignment - Connection- Growth

Soul Aligned Solutions

For Conscious Entrepreneurs

An Online Business Hub & Networking Community for the more awakened business owner, leader and change maker.

Are You In?

Business - Marketing - Networking - Wellbeing


What if you could align your life, 
business and purpose to a powerful new level?

Make a deeper impact in your work, 
the world and the collective?

Connect and Grow with other

 beautiful awakened soul?

Silver Membership
Connect - Build - Grow
our basic networking & membership level includes

Monthly Conscious
Marketing & Networking

an opportunity to market
and network with other conscious creators, awakened
business owners, and visionaries.
Next online event
 Wed 1st Oct 7-9pm UK

Weekly Co-Marketing
Strategy & Support

Weekly marketing tips
 in our online community
hub to help grow your
soul aligned business
in a more holistic way.

Business & Growth

Learn how to create and grow a more successful soul-aligned business, instant access to over £500
 worth of business, marketing and alignment resources.

 £22 a month silver level*

Gold Membership
Align - Connect - Grow - Succeed
with our gold level networking, marketing & co-creating events membership

Monthly Business Co-Creation Group

Monthly Community Networking Group where we get more heart and soul
connected with other members.

Weekly Soul Aligned

Weekly heart and soul aligned actionable steps  for you, your business and marketing. Straight to your email inbox.

Business & Marketing

Create and grow a more successful soul-aligned business, access to to over £2000 worth of business, marketing resources

Healthy Mind, Body, Soul

Balance your mind, body and soul with a variety of resources from the meditation pod, health and wellness hub.

£44 a month gold level*** 
£440 a year gold level ****
includes Bonus 1-2-1 Coaching Session with Eileen must be used within 3 months of purchase

Next Events

Marketing & Networking Group
2nd October 7- 8.30pm UK Time

Co-Creation Business Support Session
17th Oct 12 - 1pm
(+ opt 30 min group chat)

Course Summary

Below is some of the self-study courses included in the Gold Level Yearly Membership, 
more coming soon!

"Never has there been such an important time for us to stand in our power and sovereignty, fully embrace our purpose" 

As a healer of 30 years who has dedicated most of my life to a deeply spiritual journey. Highly Investing and working with some of the most beautiful and amazing healers around the world.

I believe a strong part of my mission at this time is to help fellow lightworkers, healers, therapists and coaches, step into their purpose and mission with more strength, power and ease.

For more information about Eileen's Qualification's and Experience CLICK HERE

Eileen Burns

Soul Empowerment & Purpose Coach,
Healer, Therapist and Spiritual Business Strategist

Course Pricing

Silver Monthly Membership


per month

    • Monthly Networking Event
    • Social Media Marketing Modules
    • Social Media Boost Online Community
    • Weekly Email Coaching Steps
Buy Now

Gold Monthly Membership Early Bird


per month

    • Monthly Co-Creation Business Session
    • Monthly Conscious Networking Event
    • Weekly Coaching Email
    • Soul Purpose To Soul Clients
    • Soul Power Sessions
    • Healthy Mind, Body & Soul
    • Access to over £2000 worth of courses and support
Buy Now

Gold Yearly Membership Early Bird Offer


per year

    • Monthly Co-Creation Business Group
    • Monthly Networking Event
    • Soul Purpose To Soul Clients Course
    • Soul Power Sessions
    • Healthy Mind, Body & Soul
    • Over £2000 worth of Business and Marketing Resources
    • Bonus 1-2-1 Coaching Session with Eileen
Buy Now