"This is an amazing meditation, my clients and students love it, great for all ages. Louise McConville - The Change Catalyst
Louise McConville
The Change Catalyst
Soul Empowerment Coach, Stress Expert,
Healer, Therapist & Meditation Teacher
Owner of Stress Coach Training
"Never has there been such an important
for humanity to stand in their light,
power and sovereignty"
As a healer of 30 years who has dedicated most of my life to a deeply spiritual journey.
Highly Investing and working with some of the most beautiful and amazing healers and spiritual teachers from around the world.
I am passionate about helping support, nurture and empower you at this time,
so you can step into your light, purpose
and mission with more strength and ease at this hugely pivotal time for humanity
For more information about Eileen's Qualification's and Experience CLICK HERE