Unlock Your Magical Child
and Inner Child Healing Sessions

Unlock Your Inner Magic, Your Creative Power

Inner Child Healing, Therapy and Coaching Session

Stop feeling stuck and energetically blocked.

Stop lacking inspiration and hope.

Stop feeling lost or bored

in your life, your business and your soul.

And Let's Tap Into Your Inner Child Magic

Unlock your magical child awareness

 Unlock your creative abundance

Get into an inspirational energetic flow

Sometimes we have energetic blocks and trauma that suppresses 
our inner magic, our inner power and flow.

We feel blocked in our creativity.
We feel stuck in our business, life our relationships.
Because we are very disconnected from our inner magic,
our inner alchemist and creator.

This session is uniquely tailored to help you unlock 

and heal more of your alchemist, creator, magical and creative child.
With a highly experienced and highly qualified coach, therapist and healer
who has been studying for over 30 years.

Each session is approx 45 min - 60 minute session

Investment £150 

includes bonus course

Eileen Burns is a highly qualified and experienced healer, coach and therapist who has been studying holistic and spiritual wellbeing for 30 years.

A highly empathic nurturer who is passionate about helping empaths and healers live more of their life and soul purpose. As well as a Stress Management Expert and Meditation Teacher who taught to all ages, the education, charity and health sector for many years.

She has an extensive background in many forms of healing and therapeutic modalities including archetypes, akashic records, counselling, psychology, psychotherapy, inner child therapy, spiritual healing, channeling, metratronia therapy, quantum entrainment and so much more...

For more information about Eileen's Experience and Qualifications Click Here