Essentials Oils For Home Use EBook

Essential Oils EBook - An Aromatherapy and Essential Guide To The Safe and Effective Use of Essential Oils At Home


Aromatherapy And Essential Oils 
For Home Use
+ Bonus 40 Min Video

by Aromatherapist Eileen Burns

A simple and practical easy to use guide
on how to use these easy to use and easy to buy essentials oils
at home and in every day life.

Are you sick and tired of  having to buy toxic or unnatural medicine
 to treat you and your families common ailments?

Are you fed up having to buy a long list of different medications, 
lotions and potions from the local pharmacy for your family home or travel first aid-kit?

Maybe you LOVE aromatherapy and essential oils but
would LOVE to learn more about what many 
of the essential oils can help with?

You would love to learn more about
their unique therapeutic and even medicinal properties.

This short easy to guide contains some of the most versatile
 and easy to use pure essential oils that you can used to
help treat so many different conditions and symptoms.

Essential Oils For Home Use

Essential oils that are anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-viral, 
anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-spasmodic and so much more

Essential oils that can life your mood help move you
 out of low energy states of depression,  grief, loss,
 anxiety, stress and fear.


History of Aromatherapy And Essential Oils.

 Safe And Effective Use Of Essential Oils

 Essential Oil Massage and Bath Use

Essential Oil Dilution: Infants and Young Children

Essential Oil Dilution: Kids, Teens, and Adults

Diffusing And Steam Inhalation

Essential Oil Home Guide includes information about

    Bergamot Oil, Clary Sage Oil, Eucalyptus Oil
  Frankincense Oil, Geranium Oil, Lavender Oil
   Lemon Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Mandarin Oil
  Myrrh  Oil, Orange Oil,  Peppermint Oil
  Roman Chamomile Oil, Rose Otto   Oil
Sandalwood  Oil,  Tea Tree Oil, Ylang Ylang Oil

Ebook Content

History of Aromatherapy Essential Oils 

Learn about the history of aromatherapy and essential oils  and their usage around the world for over 6,000 years. Its use by the egyptians, greeks, in china, india, italy, england...

Safe And Effective Use Of Essential Oils

Learn  about how to use essential oils safely and effectively at home an don you and your family. Safety and contraindications you should always consider.

Essential Oil Bath
and Massage Use

The application of essential oils on the body for an aromatherapy massage . The best way to add essential oils to bath water

Essential Oil Dilution:
Infants and Young Children

The exact essential oil dilution to carrier/massage oil in relation to weight and age for babies, infants and young children.

Essential Oil Dilution:
Kids, Teens And Adults

The exact essential oil dilution to carrier/massage oil in relation to age for kids, teens and adults.

Diffusing And Steam Inhalation

Advice and tips on diffusing and steam inhalation of essential oils to support health and wellbeing, reduce coughs, colds, respiratory infections, boost immune system

Essential Home Guide of
Sixteen Essential Oils

Bergamot , Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass, Mandarin, Orange, Peppermint,  Roman Chamomile, Rose, Sandalwood, Tea-Tree

Book Review
This book is amazing for the person who is just beginning to use essential oils or for the seasoned aromatherapists for a wonderful review! This book has such detailed information on how to use the essential oils in a safe and effective way. It's a must have for anyone using essential oils!   

Hetal Patel
Healer and Spiritual Teacher

Eileen Burns

Eileen Burns, owner of Stress Coach Training and Spiritual Marketing Club is a stress management expert, coach, healer and therapist. Who has been providing anxiety and stress management solutions for over 20 years. Eileen began studying healing and holistic wellbeing over 30 years ago. She is highly qualified and experienced in a wide range of therapeutic and healing disciplines. She has studied Stress Management, Life Coaching, CBT Coaching, Psychology to University Level. Find more about Eileen's qualifications and experience CLICK HERE

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