Unlock and Heal The Hero and Heroine Within 

Helping you access your inner courage, strength and wisdom
for this time

Heal your past trauma and ancestral wounds ready to be released at this time.

Helping you call back your soul power

Awaken Your Inner Power

You don't have to feel powerless

You are not here to feel anxious and afraid

You can break free from victimhood in your life

  • Are You Ready To Awaken The Hero Within?
  • Are You Ready To Step Into Your Spiritual Power?
  • Access A Fountain Of  Inner Courage And Strength
  • Are You Ready To Unlock The empowered REAL You?

Let's Awaken Your Hero Within

Eileen Burns

Eileen Burns, Empath, HSP and owner of Stress Coach Training and the Spiritual Marketing Club.

Helps empaths, healers and therapists live more of their
 life and soul purpose , create a more soul-aligned business.

Eileen a highly experienced and compassionate  healer,  coach and therapist began studying healling and holistic wellbeing for 30 years. Who has been studying spiritual archetypes for over 25 years.

Who began her journey into healing through her own
chronic and rare medical challenges and extreme experiences as a highly sensitive person and empath.

Eileen Burns

Healer, Soul Purpose Coach, Stress Management Expert

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