to soul freedom

For Spiritual Entrepreneurs who want to
go soul deep in their life and purpose.

Step up in their soul mission,
 with deeper spiritual connection,
uniqueness, strength and courage.

Soul Connection Coaching-
 Healing Session with Eileen

Soul Empowerment Coaching and Healing
with Eileen Burns*

So many heart-based spiritual entrepreneurs 
are feeling lost, disconnected 
and overwhelmed at this time.

At a critical time for us to
make those leaps and shifts 
in our life
and in the collective.

Maybe your lacking true soul-alignment,
lost your confidence or courage,
feel your intuition and inner guidance
has been recently off 

or never even been fully aligned.

Well you have come to the right place!

Soul Empowerment 
To Soul Freedom

is a one to one coaching 
and healing program for
spiritual entrepreneurs.

 Ready to experience 
deeper soul connection,

More soul empowerment 
and spiritual freedom.

Clearer spiritual guidance and
higher levels of consciousness.

So you can step up in your life and
purpose in a more soul-aligned way.

"Never has there been such an important time for us to stand in our power and sovereignty, become more soul-aligned and soul connected"

As a healer of 30 years a coach and therapist, who has dedicated most of my life to a deeply spiritual journey. Highly Investing and working with some of the most beautiful and amazing healers around the world.

I believe a strong part of my mission at this time is to help fellow lightworkers, healers, therapists and coaches, step into their purpose and mission with more strength and ease.

For more information about Eileen's Qualification's and Experience CLICK HERE

Eileen Burns

Soul Purpose Coach, Healer, Therapist
and Spiritual Business Strategist

Happy Students

"..I leave the classes feeling incredible, connected to source and bathed in love, and the healing and balancing effects stay with me.
The meditations are the most effective I've ever encountered.
  The course is the real deal if you want to be more soul-aligned, more loving and more effective as a healer- thanks Eileen !"


"The Soul Connection Course has been a
 valuable guiding light on my spiritual journey.
Eileen is generous in sharing her wisdom and spiritual knowledge and keeps you safe as you advance through the stages of the Soul Connection Process. The grounding techniques and guided meditations are powerful in their gentleness, offering a cleansing and nurturing environment for reconnection with self and the stillness within.
Enjoy the journey!" Lou McIvor