Soul Care Sunday - Meditation Class

Apologies Sunday 22ND IS CANCELLED

Sunday, 26 January 2025
09:00 AM GMT

Webinar Session has ended now.

Experience Deeper Calm, Stillness & Peace

Balance Your Mind,
Body & Soul

Improved Heart &
Brain Coherence

Clearer Concentration
 & Focus

Increased Intuition &
Soul Connection

Time for the inner you

Feel More Calm, Centred And Connected

Experience Deeper States Of Stillness And Wellbeing

Feel More Joy, Love And Compassion

More Positive Mindset For The Day & Week Ahead


Meditation Class Suitable For Beginners & Advanced

Each session begins with a more traditional style meditation style teaching.
The class is designed to help teach you how to master and
deepen the quality of your meditation practice.

And end's with a heart opening and healing guided meditation
 to help you experience and emit high frequency's
of gratitude, compassion, love and sovereignty.

You can be assured you are in safe hands.

Eileen is a highly experienced meditation teacher and meditator,
who has been meditating for over 30 years.

Each session will be recorded

Live Webinar Pricing

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  • Access to 1 meditation class 24th Nov 24

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3 Week Block


  • This gives you access to next 5 weeks of meditation classes starting 1st Dec

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"Never has there been such an important time for us to stand in our power, purpose and sovereignty" 

As a healer of 30 years who has highly Investing in my own spiritual and soul's growth on the road less travelled, working with some of the most beautiful healers and teachers around the world.

I know how important it is for lightworkers to own their beautiful life and soul gifts step into their power.

A strong part of my mission is to help you the healers, therapists, coaches and creatives step fully into your purpose and passion with more strength, courage and ease.

For more information about Eileen's Qualification's and Experience CLICK HERE

Eileen Burns

Soul Purpose Coach, Healer, Therapist
and Spiritual Business Strategist