Unlock Your
Life and Soul Gifts!

A deep dive into your
greatest gifts and strengths.
The foundations of your life
 purpose and soul's mission.

Unlock Your Life and Soul Gifts Course

Imagine identifying,
 owning and sharing your
most powerful gifts,

experiencing more
clarity, confidence 
and power,

as you get crystal clear
on your unique soul gifts.


You can waste a lifetime of worry and energy,
mentally trying to figure out your purpose,
when you should be living it,

Or be that person who is
happily living your purpose
living a life and career that feels so aligned.

That  is why I created my Unlock Your Soul Gifts Course
 so you can identify and own
your most natural and powerful gifts!3

Step by Step Life and Soul Gifts Program

Where you will explore your most innate gifts, your biggest strengths, your biggest life lesssons,
start to own your most beautiful gifts

Unlock Your Soul's Gifts Digital Workbook

Recording Life and Soul's Gifts Coaching Session

Unlock Your Life and Soul Gifts Audio

Owning Your Greatest Gifts Guided Meditation

Course Curriculum



"Identify Your Soul’s Gifts’ meditation and workbook is very powerful.

The guided meditation was so relaxing, and it helped me look at my life from a new
 (and less painful) perspective.

It made me realise that I have been neglecting one of my major gifts
and I need to think about how I can bring this back into my life.

It also made me see my major life challenges differently,
in a way that strengthens me and gives me purpose,
 as I can use my experience to help others in a genuine and soulful way."

Jen Harle
Real Life Reiki


Special Offer Access


  • Special Offer Access to workbook, meditations and videos

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"Never has there been such an important time for lightworkers and healers to fully awaken to their spiritual gifts and stand in their power and sovereignty" 

As a healer of 30 years who has dedicated most of my life to a deeply spiritual journey. Highly Investing and working with some of the most beautiful and amazing healers around the world.

I have created the lightworkers portal to help support, nurture and empower you at this time, so you can step into your purpose and mission with more strength and ease.

For more information about Eileen's Qualification's and Experience CLICK HERE

Eileen Burns

Soul Purpose Coach, Healer, Therapist
and Spiritual Business Strategist