SOUL ALIGNED CEO Membership & Network

Creating a more stress-free soul aligned life, 
business and community.

Creating a more stress-free soul aligned life and business

Soul Aligned CEO

 Alignment - Connection - Empowerment - Growth

Soul alignment, soul connection and support for the more 
holistic and spiritual business owner, entrepreneur and CEO.

Creating a new paradigm shift the way we do life,
business, relationships and networking.

A membership and community of deeper soul connection,
self care and growth.

by highly experienced healer, 
therapist and coach Eileen Burns,
 who has had over 30 years studying in this field.

Calm - Balance


✩Quantum Level Membership includes all content plus monthly Quantum Manifesting Group and bi-weekly create new earth life and business session
(the premier content is highlighted with a star✩).
🤍Gold Level Membership includes all of the silver membership content plus new co-creation business bi-weekly sessions🤍.

Silver Level Membership is our basic plan self-paced option

Levels Of Membership

✩Quantum Level Membership includes all content plus monthly Quantum Manifesting Group and bi-weekly create new earth life and business session
(the premier content is highlighted with a star✩).
🤍Gold Level Membership includes all of the silver membership content plus new co-creation business bi-weekly sessions🤍.

Silver Level Membership is our basic plan self-paced option

 Archetypal Work 🤍

Divine Feminine 🤍

 Energy Clearing 🤍

Grounding Techniques 

Inner Child Work 🤍

 Intuition/Psychic Development 🤍

  Life and Soul Purpose ✩

 Quantum Manifestation ✩

 Soul Alignment ✩

  Colour Therapy ✩

  Connection with Self 🤍

 Empaths and HSP Sessions🤍

Healing Transmissions

 Introduction to NLP ✩

 Law of Attraction ✩

Meditation Techniques 🤍

 Shadow Work/Ego Work 🤍

 Soul Connection ✩


Basic Self Study Membership

  • Healing Transmissions
  • Traditional Meditation Pod
  • Clearing & Protection 101
  • Grounding Tools
  • 24 Hour Self-Study Access
  • Access to over £500 worth 



a month today
cancel any time


 Self Study
 + Community

  • Silver Level Membership
  • Inner Child Library
  • Archetype Masterclass Library 
  • 🤍Co-Creation Bi-Weekly BIz Sessions
  • 5 Pillars Business Success
  • 24 Hour Self-Study Access
  • Access to over £2000 worth of content 
  • Telegram Support Group


a month today
cancel anytime


Quanum Shift Coaching  Membership

  • Silver Level Membership
  • Gold Level Membership
  • Monthly Quantum Manifesting
  • 12  Months Access Co-Creation Biz Sessions 
  • 24 Hour Self-Study Access
  • Telegram Support Group
  • Access to over £4000 worth of content, lives and support



12 month membership
cancel anytime


  • 🤍Boosting Income For Christmas Co-Creation 4 Wed 1 Nov 12- 1.30 PM  UK 
  • 🤍Topic to be decided - Co Creation -Wed 15th Nov 12- 1.30 PM  UK  
  • ✩ Quantum Manifesting Sun 4th Nov 7pm BST ( first sun each month) now changed to end of month apologies

"Never has there been such an important time for lightworkers and healers to fully awaken to their spiritual gifts and stand in their power and sovereignty" 

As a healer of 30 years, I have dedicated most of my life to  living in a deeply spiritual way.

Expanding and growing by investing highly in myself, working with some of the most beautiful and amazing healers around the world.

I have created the lightworkers portal to help support, nurture and empower you at this time, encouraging you to step into your purpose and mission with ease and strength.

For more information about Eileen's qualifications and experience


Eileen Burns

Soul Purpose Coach, Healer, Therapist
and Spiritual Business Strategist

Course Curriculum

✩ Monthly Quantum Magic Group ✩

Sign up for our ✩ Quantum Package ✩ and get access
to our monthly Quantum Magic Group
which starts sun 29th Oct 7pm UK Time
( last sunday of every month same time)

Membership Investment

Instant Access


Buy Now