Healers, Lightworkers

It's time to step up into your life and soul mission

awaken your soul's gifts

deepen your soul connection

heal your ancestral 

and inner child wounding

Spiritual Development and Soul Empowerment Tools For Lightworkers

The Lightworkers Portal

 Awaken - Heal - Transform - Co-Create

The lightworkers portal is an online soul empowerment 
and spiritual learning hub, packed with a library of 
energy tools and techniques,
soul empowerment and spiritual development,
healing, coaching and optional co-creation sessions.

Created to help awakened lightworkers, 
step fully into their life and soul purpose,
live their life mission with more 
power, strength, courage and soul connection.

A learning hub and community of support, 
strength, love and nurturing 
by highly experienced healer, 
therapist and coach Eileen Burns,
 who has had over 30 years studying in this field.

Each level of membership has a different level of access to tools, meditations, healing transmissions, coaching courses and live sessions. ( see details below)

Levels Of Membership

✩Quantum Level Membership includes all content plus monthly Quantum Manifesting Group and weekly Quantum Meditation class.
🤍Gold Level Membership includes all of the silver membership content plus monthly group quantum coaching- healing session.

Silver Level Membership is our basic plan self-paced option

 Archetypal Work 🤍

Divine Feminine 🤍

 Energy Clearing 🤍

Grounding Techniques 

Inner Child Work 🤍

 Intuition/Psychic Development 🤍

  Life and Soul Purpose ✩

 Quantum Manifestation ✩

 Soul Alignment ✩

  Colour Therapy ✩

  Connection with Self 🤍

 Empaths and HSP Sessions🤍

Healing Transmissions

 Introduction to NLP ✩

 Law of Attraction ✩

Meditation Techniques 🤍

 Shadow Work/Ego Work 🤍

 Soul Connection ✩


Basic Self Study Membership

  • Healing Transmissions
  • Traditional Meditation Pod
  • Clearing & Protection 101
  • Grounding Tools
  • Psychic Development
  • 24 Hour Self-Study Access
  • Access to over £1000 worth 



a month today
cancel any time


 Gold Self Study Membership
+ Weekly Meditation Class

  • Silver Level Membership
  • Inner Child Library
  • Archetype Masterclass Library 
  • 5 Pillars Business Success
  • 24 Hour Self-Study Access
  • Deep Meditation & Soul Connection
  • Access to over £3000 worth of content 
  • Telegram Support Group
  • Meditation Class coming July 2024


every 3 months
*cancel anytime


+ Membership

  • 3 x 1-2-1 Coaching/healing with Eileen
  • Silver Level Membership
  • Gold Level Membership
  • 24 Hour Self-Study Access
  • Access to over £4000 worth of content 
  • Telegram Support Group
  • Meditation Class coming July 2024
  • Group Quantum Coaching & Manifesting next July 2024


every 3 months
*cancel anytime

"Never has there been such an important time for lightworkers and healers to fully awaken to their spiritual gifts and stand in their power and sovereignty" 

As a healer of 30 years, I have dedicated most of my life to  living in a deeply spiritual way.

Expanding and growing by investing highly in myself, working with some of the most beautiful and amazing healers around the world.

I have created the lightworkers portal to help support, nurture and empower you at this time, encouraging you to step into your purpose and mission with ease and strength.

For more information about Eileen's qualifications and experience


Eileen Burns

Soul Purpose Coach, Healer, Therapist
and Spiritual Business Strategist

Course Curriculum

Membership Investment

Silver Membership - Monthly Subscription


per month

  • Silver Level Membership access to a Library of Healing Transmissions, Meditations, Lightworkers Tools, Psychic Development

    • Grounding Tools
    • Energy Clearing & Protection
    • Meditation Pod
    • Previous Healing Transmission
    • Empaths & Sensitives Resources
    • Intuitive & Psychic Development Exercises
Subscribe Now

Gold Membership - 3 Monthly Subscription


every 3 months

  • Gold Level Membership: Silver Level + Weekly Quantum Meditation Class + Monthly Coaching Group (over £3000 worth of content)

    • Silver Level Content
    • Intuitive & Psychic Development Modules
    • Inner Child Masterclasses
    • Archetypal Masterclasses
    • 5 Pillars Of Spiritual Business Success
    • Weekly Telegram Community Support ( Lightworker Portal Group)
    • Access to over £3000 worth of content and +live support
Subscribe Now

Quantum Coaching Package - 3 Month Subscription


every 3 months

  • The Quantum Level: Access to Monthly 1-2 1 Coaching, Weekly Meditation + Monthly Quantum Manifesting, over £4000 worth of content

    • 3 x 1-2-1 Coaching/Healing with Eileen (monthly)
    • Weekly Quantum Meditation Class starts July 2024
    • Access to Silver & Gold Membership Content worth over £4000
    • Telegram Support Community for asking questions
Buy Now